Urban Heroes.

Training for young people with fewer opportunities on digital identity and personal branding

Part of the work carried out by the NGO Cesal consists of preparing young people at risk of social exclusion for employment through the “Urban Heroes” project, which has a wide variety of training proposals ranging from aesthetics, gardening, cooking or repairing mobile phones to an immediate integration project.

The courses have different workshops related to a specific social skill or to an aspect that influences social and labour insertion. In this case, our volunteering consisted in the delivery of training sessions linked to digital identity and effective communication.

The aim was for the young people to build and manage their personal brand and online reputation through the “Digital identity” workshop and, with the “Communication skills and coaching” sessions, to learn to manage their emotions, to listen and to use language (verbal and non-verbal) as a tool for personal and professional growth.

One of our volunteers, Gonzalo Maldonado, went further and created, together with his students, a series of pieces that were also used by the NGO to promote its organisation.


The empowerment of 172 young people in topics related to personal branding and digital identity, 62 hours of sessions and three video tutorials on Youtube.

"I had never participated in a programme with teenagers and adults before. Used to dealing with the characteristic magic of children, I've discovered a passionate generation in the CESAL kids, full of fighters who are eager to learn, to be useful and always look on the bright side of life".

Bárbara Martínez de Irujo
Foundation LLYC Volunteer

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